There is a stand of vivacious bamboo, Chinese bamboo, that is hard to grow here in Memphis. It THRIVES in the space to the north of the living room where some fool planted it years ago. The fact that it is Chinese bamboo is important because it is what the pandas at the Memphis Zoo want to eat when they are breeding. The zoo comes out and harvests it annually.
And they didn't tell me that they were going to fertilize it until after the fact.
Not only does it attract rats as it is their natural habitat, it has grown into every flower bed I in my beautiful yard. See this stand of double cup daylilies?
It used to be a carpet of orange. The bamboo is choking it out. And on Friday, I am choking the bamboo out. Well, two guys are anyway.
I'm having the beds dug up and cleared out to make room for something else. Something decidedly not Chinese.
Here's a gratuitous shot of Simone to make everything right with the world.
Bamboo. Really?