New York, New York! What a whondurfull sound! Ah LUVE ze New York! I LUVE ze hotels!
Ummm, no, dear. We were in Nashville at the TACA Spring Show. We didn't have to fly. We drove. Four hours. You slept on my lap the whole time.
What? Ze Zali, he does not understahnd zees, "Nashveele".
That's where we spent the last four days. Nashville. Music City. Home of Country Music.
Yees, of course. Zhat ees what I said. Nashveele. Eet does not take anytime to geet zhere. A few meenutes with a sandwheech eentermeesion.
Zali adores traveling. By plane or car, he's a stellar companion. Quiet and well behaved in the hotel, he only barked when some kids slammed a door at two in the morning. It was more of a "Hey! Zees keeds today! Ze people! Zhey are sleeping!" than anything else. He has a rolling backpack we call "the apartment". Hud says when Zali disappears in it below the opening that he has gone to the pantry to make a sanwich. Zali even has his own luggage, pictured above. It's a round red suitcase that opens to reveal a stainless water and food dish. Its tag reads, "Globe Trotter". The photo is a complete fluke. Zali sleeps in the bed, on his back for better peepee airing, of course.
Not that he's spoiled or anything. Nooooo. Nuh-uh. Nope.
Ahnd, ze muhzur and fahzur took mee weeth them to ze crafts fair! Ze people came to ze booth to see how handsome ah ahm! Oh, and maybee to buy some of ze muhzur paintings. No! I jest! Zhey came to see me!
The weather on the first day was lovely, but blustery. Our neighbor's display was toppled by a huge gust of wind. Show people are normally very nice and we all ran over to help her right it. The second day started out sunshiney and bright, but it quickly turned sour. Dark clouds spilled in. Rain spat out of the sky in the most annoying fashion. It wasn't enough to soak the festival goers, just irritate them. It ended as sweetly as it began. Cloudless on the third day, the temperatures climbed ten degrees higher than the previous two.
On the third day, Zali awoke a bit cranky. The whites of his eyes were beet red. He flopped his head on my arm when we awoke and ran his paws over his face. Breakfast made him queasy. I wrote out a note per his direction, that read, "So very sorry, but please do NOT pet me. I am very tired. --The Zali Lama".
Ten Sousand people have run zheir hands over my magnificent fuhr! I refuse to be charmeeng today! Non!
Aside from several strolls throughout the day up to the Parthenon in Centennial Park, he stayed in his apartment sleeping. He awoke at closing to watch us tear down the tent. Smiling, he asked me if we were going home? I told him yes and he beamed with joy.
No, Joie! Simone! Ah mees Simone!
A few minutes with a sandwich intermission and we were home by ten.
*Happy Mother's Day out there! I spent it with my two favorite men, Hud and Zali.
Hope yours was equally fun.*